Capsicum and Pea Risotto If peas please you, then getting pleasure out of this risotto will be a peas of cake. In fact even if you are not overly appeased by the presence of peas, this plant-based spin on an otherwise traditional Italian meal will have you pretty...
Plant-Based Ice Cream Also known as “frozen-blended-bananas”. Following on from our series of posts on plant-based alternatives to non-plant based treats, we thought we’d share something sweet. It’s not only sweet to taste, it’s also cheap and outrageously easy. It...
Plant-Based Mayonnaise Aquafaba-lous egg and dairy free mayo. If you’ve “bean” following our blog, you would have seen a couple of recipe posts based on foods that non-plant-based-ers often ask “how do you live without?” We’ve so far solved (in our humble opinion)...
Vegan Parmesan Cheese Or plant-esan, if you will. Last week on the KIND blog, we introduced a new series of plant-based posts based on the commonly asked (to plant-based-ers) question “how do you live without?” The aim of these posts is to show that if you get a...
Meat-free – not treat-free! EASY plant-based alternatives. If you’re plant-based or, dare we say it, vegan, no doubt you’ve been asked a thousand times, “But how do you live without X?” This question is usually structured around the asker’s...