Get Growing Morningside

Get Growing Morningside
You may have noticed how much we love growing and creating green spaces at Kind.
At KIND we want to change the grey concrete urban backdrop into one that is green and lush. In fact, one of our stated aims is to see a noticeable difference in the amount of greenery visible in our neighbourhood on Google Maps!
If you love the idea of plucking veggies and fragrant herbs straight from the garden, then now is the perfect time to start growing your own garden… big or small. The KIND crew have tips to get you growing. Labour weekend is the traditional planting time for tomatoes and summer vegetables. All it takes to grow your own is a sheltered sunny space big enough for a bucket.
That’s why KIND is happy to help support your new garden. When you purchase nine coffees, we will give you an organic herb seedling in a handmade origami eco container.Heather, KIND’s resident plant protector, has nurtured these plants from seed and the plants change every month so you can add to your collection and build your own herb garden at home.!

Fight pests eco-style with coffee, marigolds and basil…
A strange combo to have on a plate, but not in your garden!
Growing your own spray free food this summer is as simple as planting basil and marigolds near your vege plants. It’s a simple sustainable trick that lures bugs away from your precious producers. Sneaky and tasty! It’s all part of helping make Morningside a greener neighbourhood.
What is left after you have enjoyed your coffee is also a bonus for the garden. Coffee grounds work overtime as an all-natural eco fertiliser. Earthworms also love coffee grounds and it’s worms that increase the amount of oxygen and water in the soil so your home-grown goodies thrive..
Coffee grounds also help your tomatoes grow juicy fruit by controlling late blight, a disease that nails tomato plants and destroys the fruit. Instead of using fungicides coffee grounds work as a nontoxic, natural alternative.
Coffee grounds act as a repellent as caffeine is lethal to snails and slugs. Simply pour coffee grounds around your plants, encircling them completely to create a poisonous barrier to keep out unwanted creepy crawlies.

We are keen to get Morningside on board with sustainable practices in any way we can. So just holler next time you are in the cafe and we will happily hand over our coffee grounds to help your garden grow.
Need more inspiration to begin your own urban garden? Read more about local social enterprise The Morningside Urban Market Garden.